We ️️❤️ MIR! New auto-vote feature let you earn more!
NOTE: This feature has been withdrawn. See https://forum.mirror.finance/t/proposal-discussion-block-voting-from-external-contracts/1713/13.
First, we need to understand how Mirror Protocol V2 fee is distributed.

Mirror Gov distributes half of all income to voters. However, here is the trick, only 13.39% of MIR stakers on average voted after V2 launch. Effectively, earnings for voters are 83.01% and total APR for MIR stakers who vote every poll will be 94.125%!

Here is our strategy, Spectrum Protocol will automatically vote “Abstain” at near poll end, withdraw reward, and auto-stake. Huge earn within a brief period.

In case you would like to vote “YES” or “NO” on a Mirror poll, please unstake MIR from your vault, and vote at Mirror Gov.
But for now, it’s time to vote “YES” for this feature on Spectrum Protocol at https://terra.spec.finance/gov/poll/4. Stake your SPEC at Spectrum Gov and vote now!
NOTE: You can check contract changes at https://github.com/spectrumprotocol/contracts/pull/4